
The file names listed below are followed by "rotate" if the block can be rotated, "transparent" if the block can be made partially transparent, "cut" if the block can be sliced into, "offset" if a fault can be slipped, and "erode" if the faulted block can be eroded.


File Name

Vertical Fault Block - Vertical Layer Up
Vertical Fault Block - Vertical Layer Left
Vertical Fault Block - Horizontal Syncline Up
Vertical Fault Block - Horizontal Syncline Left
Vertical Fault Block - Horizontal Syncline Oblique
Beveled Fault Block - Horizontal Layers
Vertical Fault Block - Gently Dipping Layers Up
Vertical Fault Block - Gently Dipping Layers Left
Vertical Fault Block - Gently Dipping Layers Right
Vertical Fault Block - Gently Dipping Layers Oblique
  • blgfob; rotate
  • blgfobt; rotate, transparent
  • blgfob60; rotate, offset obliquely 3 units
  • blgfob60t; rotate, transparent, offset obliquely 3 units
  • blgfobt4x2; rotate and make transparent
  • blgfob60ero; rotate, offset obliquely 3 units, then erode
  • blgfob60erot; rotate, transparent, offset obliquely 3 units, then erode

Note about file names:  In case you are really interested, the movie file names start with "b" for block. The next letters indicate the type of structure (l - layer, a - anticline, s - syncline, f - fault, i - intrusion, u - unconformity).  The next letter indicates the attitude of the structure (h - horizontal, g - gently, m - moderately, s - steeply, v - vertical).  If the file name has a "t", then the block can be made partially transparent. Fault movies may include "up" and "down", "dex" for right lateral, and "sin for left lateral, followed by a number (20, 40, 60), which relates to the original 3D software we used. Don't despair, we created the lists so that you didn't need to keep track of this information.