To help you identify the minerals collected by the reconnaissance team, you first need to learn how to recognize some physical properties of minerals that help in mineral identification.
Click on each of the links below to watch short movies about how to observe or test physical properties of minerals.
Hardness (with closed captioning via MediaAMP)
Hardness (without closed captioning)
Streak (with closed captioning via MediaAMP)
Streak (without closed captioning)
Luster and Transparency (with closed captioning via MediaAMP)
Luster and Transparency (without closed captioning)
Color (with closed captioning via MediaAMP)
Color (without closed captioning)
Cleavage (with closed captioning via MediaAMP)
Cleavage (without closed captioning)
Specific Gravity (with closed captioning via MediaAMP)
Specific Gravity (without closed captioning)
Reaction to Acid (with closed captioning via MediaAMP)
Reaction to Acid (without closed captioning)
Magnetic (with closed captioning via MediaAMP)
Magnetic (without closed captioning)
Lines (striations) on the Mineral Feldspar (with closed captioning via MediaAMP)
Lines (striations) on the Mineral Feldspar (without closed captioning)
After you have watched all of the movies above, complete Assessment 3B in Canvas.