Mingus Mountain




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Below are links to photographs taken in the Mingus Mountain area.  The first two buttons are overview images, whereas the others are images tied to sample numbers.  The buttons to the far left of the sample number are close ups of the rock samples.  These may help you identify the rock type, by showing the larger context of the sample (layers or not, etc.).  The buttons immediately  next to the sample number show a middle distance photograph of the sample location to provide you with a perspective of what kinds of landscapes that rock type forms.

mingus_verde_valley.jpg (613666 bytes) Verde Valley and Mogollon Rim near Sedona, taken looking north from the north side of Mingus Mountain.
mingus_overview1.jpg (333793 bytes) Hickey Mountain, looking northeast from several miles west of Mingus Mountain.
mingus_1_close.jpg (39478 bytes) mingus_1_mid.jpg (141240 bytes) Sample 9d-1
mingus_2_close.jpg (293985 bytes) mingus_2_mid.jpg (354978 bytes) Sample 9d-2
mingus_3_close.jpg (259357 bytes) mingus_3_mid.jpg (187639 bytes) Sample 9d-3
mingus_4_close.jpg (206337 bytes) mingus_4_mid.jpg (213658 bytes) Sample 9d-4
mingus_5_close.jpg (308356 bytes) mingus_5_mid.jpg (181951 bytes) Sample 9d-5