Virtual Worlds, Virtual Field Trips, and other Virtual Reality Files

This page has links used in my NAGT Distinguish Speaker tour and NSF CCLI Workshop, most being to 3D perspectives about the the Geology of Arizona, Landscapes of the Southwest, structural geology, science-education reform, and using Bryce5 to illustrate geology.  Most of these materials were built as part of the Hidden Earth and Hidden Earth Curriculum Projects, funded by NSF.

Topographic Files

I have lots more of these, but the Dept is upgrading its web server to make room for all my new movies.  Visit the Gallery of Virtual Topography for many other examples and kinds of files.

Interactive Block Diagrams

Geologic Block Diagrams, ala QTVR Object Movies (move mouse sideways to spin the block and up and down to make block more ore less transparent) -- Files are 500Kb to 1-2 Mb --  I'll get them smaller soon.

Structure Map 3D

Visit the StructureMap3D for more maps, along with the corresponding contours maps, which are great for mapping exercises.

Movies of the Southwest shaded by elevation

Southwest US QTVR Movies -- Big files but great! I have a 13 Mb version too, but not here.

More of these images are available in my Southwest 3D site

Movies Created by Draping Satellite Images over Digital Topography

Warning -- some of these files are large -- look before you leap.

Lake Powell area (near Page) -- MSS satellite image draped over digital topography

NEW -- Arizona Thematic Mapper images draped over digital topography (QTVR object movies).  These will be part of AZSAT3D.

World Topography

Shaded Relief of the Entire Planet, land and sea floor, based on ETOPO5 data and my six-tone coloring scheme.

Biosphere 3D

QTVR movies of maps of the Biosphere draped over digital topography in globes that you can spin and tilt.  Part of NSF-funded Hidden Earth Curriculum Project. Most movies are several Mb.


Sedimentary Environments


Virtual Field Trips of Invented Places

Painted Canyon -- A Geologic Wonderland!  These images, done with Bryce4, are of an invented, but representative, Southwestern canyon. They are used in our Intro geology lab.  Some of the files are large (not very compressed), especially the cool QuickTime VR panoramas (pivot 360 degrees). 

Treasure of the Sierra Cobre: Virtual field trip and exploration game for porphyry copper deposits.

Virtual Field Trips to Real Places with Captured Representations (photos)

Virtual Field Trip to Papago Park: Photos, Maps, and Instructions - Old, and not quite finished, but representative of the traditional virtual field trip genre.

Arizona Geology Virtual Tourist: Click Your Way Through Arizona Scenery -- Another type of Virtual Field Trip of a real place.

Movies created by draping geologic maps over topography -- a great way to teach geologic maps!

Geologic map of the Hollidaysburg Quadrangle in the Appalachians.  One way to turn a flat geologic map into a zoomable, scrollable 3D work of art.  Click and drag to pan in that direction, or zoom in and out.   Warning -- File is 2.5 Mb and takes time to download, but well worth it.

Geologic map of the Calabasas Quadrangle, CA.  Same kind of movie as above.   Warning -- File is 3 Mb, but well worth it.

Hickey Mountain, Arizona -- geologic map draped over digital topography (more examples, some of which are good for mapping exercises, are in my Geomap3D Gallery)

New Arizona geologic map draped over digital topography (all the rest, for each 1X1 degree quad, are at the AZGEO3D site).

Durango, Colorado -- geologic map draped over digital topography

Many more movies of this type are in my Geomap3D site.

AZ Geophysics 3D

These images have geophysics data, such as gravity measurements, or geophysically derived data, such as depth to bedrock, draped over digital topography. Only static images are included here, but I also have the movies.

Phoenix East and Mesa West 1x1 degree quadrangles (area centered on city of Phoenix AZ)

Mesa 1x1 degree quadrangle (area centered on Globe)

Other Files

Arizona Geological Map: Interactive: A Zoomable Map, Legend, and Photos of Map Units

The Hidden Earth -- Visualizing Subsurface Geology --  These images help students and others visualize subsurface geology.  It's part on an NSF-funded project we've begun.

Check out the Geologic Scenery Images I'm doing using Bryce4 and USGS DEM's.

When in doubt, just go to my home page and browse around.

Page created by: S. Reynolds.  All images copyright Stephen J. Reynolds, 2000, 2001.  OK to use them in classes, but ask me.